Want A Small Dog? Choose A Schnoodle

If you want a small dog for your family, you have many options available. One option is purchasing or rescuing a Schnoodle. This breed is a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle and is available in a variety of colors. Keep reading to learn more about this breed so you can then start looking for one for your family. 

Grooming Needs 

You should brush your Schnoodle a couple of times a week and more if they are active and go outside a lot. Along with brushing, clean their ears regularly and clip their nails. How often you should take your dog to a groomer depends on the type of fur. You may get a Schnoodle with fur more like a poodle, which will need to be groomed more often. You may get a Schnoodle with fur more like a Schnauzer which requires less grooming. 

The groomer can tell you how often to have your dog groomed. They can also clip their nails for you as if not done correctly you could injure your dog. The groomer can also clean their ears and will look for skin issues during their grooming sessions that you may need to address. 

Good for Allergy Sufferers  

If you have someone in your family that has allergies getting a dog or other animals may be hard for them. A Schnoodle may work well, however, because they do not shed a lot. This means less dog hair and dog dander that can cause problems for people that have allergies. 

Low shedders also mean you will not have to clean up hair all over your home. You will also not have hair sticking to your clothes. No dogs are completely non-shedding but Schnoodles shed much less than other dogs.

Exercising Your Schnoodle

When it comes to exercise a Schnoodles does not require a lot. These are small dogs so a daily walk will be enough as well as some playtime with you. There are some Schnoodles that are bred with larger poodles, however. Because these dogs are larger, they will require more exercise. Because you want a small dog you need to make sure you ask the breeder the size of the poodle the mother was bred with. This way you will not be surprised as your puppy starts to grow. 

Take your Schnoodle with you everywhere you can to give them some exercise. They love to be around people and getting them socialized early is important. This way they will be used to people coming to your home to visit.  

Talk with a Schnoodle breeder to learn more.
